hmm...poor twinnie....she's really hurt now...sigh...actually, most of the harp ppl are really upset like the one who's comforting them lor.well...just twinnie, gladys and sherilyn chee...especially really worried about her.I've never seen her like that before as in seriously. sigh..i really don't know what to do to cheer her up...oh well....
Cheer up wen shi and the other harp ppl who are upset about that thing....u can't help it and its over...just try to bear with it.anyway, 2mor is the rehearsal for the MOE thingi...we're performing at Suntec City!!!!Woo!!:D but im missing lessons and the
PHOTOSHOOT!!!ahh!!!i can't believe it lor.:( the very first photoshoot that im missing!!!Wahh!!!
oh yes!Yi Ning has breaking dawn!!!!and she's lending it to me!!!WOO!!!:D in your face Suu:)
hmm...i gotta go goin to thai express soon :0 for no gathering and fellowship...=X
haha:) bb:D